Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Makan Gaji

Majority of us earned our living by " Makan Gaji"  or in other terms salaried employee. The meaning is that we are hired by a company for a specific tasks or specialisation. Makan gaji juga membuatkan kita jadi routine. Why? cuba perhatikan we did almost the same thing untuk bertahun- tahun. Breakfast almost the same food, lunch time at the same time, and do our groceries during the weekend ( most of us do).

Makan Gaji ini in the old days bila kita bekerja makan gaji, it is a career for life. Sampai pencen la. Whether it is in the government or private sectors.

Tapi masa telah mengubah segalanya.  Satu pekerjaan kalau suatu masa dulu boleh kerja sampai pencen dah hampir tidak wujud di zaman sekarang ni. Syarikat- syarikat bergabung, penstrukturan semula menjadikan segalanya uncertain.

Jadi dah agak senior pun sekarang dan hampir nak pencen pun kekadang terpaksa lagi mencari-cari pekerjaan di laman laman web dan juga di ruangan iklan dalam surat khabar. Terpkasa lagi attend interview dan sebagainya. Padahal pada umur yg dah tinggal hampir nak pencen sepatutnya boleh duduk dengan selesa tidak lagi wujud pada masa sekarang.

Walaupun kita love not to make a move but many of the occassion the "Push Factors".  Ye lah sebagai contoh, syarikat undergoing right sizing ( ayat positive which actually meant pengecilan), redesignation, Boss tak favor, dan banyak lagi faktor- faktor lain.

Jadi yang penting untuk the new generation we must cultivate the culture that they must take a up something that have a special skills. such as cooking, tailoring or even mechanics. Even though you have a degree, master or PHD.  Otherwise, you will become a routine man.

Finally, more importantly you must always stay alert and acquire sebanyak mungkin imlu pengetahuan and special skills that we can always jump to another when the time come. Wassallam....

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Leader

I had a chat with my wife on the way to the office while we are stucked in the traffic jam.
We start talking about the subject about what is a leader all about. Then, I told her I read in an article that said " A leader is a person that have the follower".  So, if believed that you are a leader, so you must have the follower.
If no one follow you. You may want to check yourself whether you are a leader or not. Follower here meant is not like when someone follow you on your twitter or reading your facebook posting.  If you are a true leader you will not feel lonely.  You will have your subordinates or people surround that are comfortable when you are around. People loves to have you around and they will be happy to meet up with you.
In an office environment, we used to hear people become very happy when they  were told " Boss tak dak kat  ( not around) office today or the whole week " yahoooooooooooooooo !!!!........boss tak der"   but why yahooooooooooooooooo !!!!...from your subordinates.  This meant you are not their true leader. The yahoooooooooooooooooo denotes that they are happier when you are not around. That is why when you are in the office you feel lonely. Your subordinates or staff do not favor you. They see you as the liability. The malay will say " perabih beras" buat "menyemak" aje.
Therefore, my suggestion you better check about yourself. This includes how you are treating your staff, are the type that do not walk the talk, you never engaged with them and perhaps everything that you did with your staff always on official manner with full of protocol.
But people always claimed they are the leader because they are the Manager, the Senior Manager, the General Manager, the Senior General Manager and etc.... the list goes on as a Manager or Department Head. The word manager meant you must manage but what do you manage. Do you manage people???? No lah you should managed the process. When you manage the people this where you end up not being the leader. When youu manage people there will be many different style and attitude, so you akan letih and penat . You don't manage people but you treat them humanly and lead them.
We want people to be our follower because we are the leader but we we forget what we should do to make our follower to follow us. The Leader do what the themselves want but not the follower need or wanting. Therefore, they become the lonely leader.
If you feeling lonely when you become a boss. Something wrong with you. So, fikir fikir kan lah....

HMJ Green