2. BOSS in Malay will be :
B - Bikin
O - Orang
S - Susah
S - Senantiasa
Normally in a gangstar movie the calling of BOSS become something synonym with the movie. Thinking of it, the abbreviation may have the meaning that I written above maybe is true or not, I am sure for you to judge.
3. So if you become a BOSS why are you playing arrogant ? Why are not listening to your down line instead you want your people to say only nice thing for you to listen. Why are you always blame people for your lack of vision and direction.
4. In a movie normally a BOSS is a smart and charming leader but only become a fearful once his instruction was not followed. For an ordinary man a BOSS always love to be BOSSY. Pretending to play GOD all the times, where he knew everything and his word is the ultimatum and definite.
5, Now why don't we become a different BOSS. After all we are the BOSS to a human. Human has the emotions, and wanted to be treated with respect. Human is a brainy creature so treat them one. Don't let them become just your slave or not a thinker. You become a BOSS sometimes by default since you are the most senior or you knew someone that have the power and autonomy in the organization or company.
5. People work for people. That is why when people asked for transfer or resign from a department, or a company in actual fact the are leaving the BOSS in many of the cases. The work place will be a productive one once the objective of all of us coming to work is clear. But many knew that for survival " rubbing the shoulder" is the main job. This will leave those who do not know how to rub shoulder overloaded with the work which resultant in mistakes and non productive.
6. Finally, as a result the department or company become irrelevant but the BOSS survive because of the rub the shoulder techniques that are so powerful. For the BOSS, do change your management style because the next thing you realize you may no longer a BOSS because you had reached retirement age or being sacked by new company management. At that time, you have no title and the BOSS title is no longer available. You will be alone where no tribute and respect to you BOSS. So, be a BOSS that have the empathy and use the emotional intelligence rather making people fear for you.
7. If you a good BOSS people will still call you the BOSS at all times.